1. Bryan got the oil changed in both vehicles today, brake lines flushed and new wipers on his…
Business Website
Many of you have asked for the URL of my business website…sorry to keep you waiting but it…
Grateful Friday
1. this awesome, gorgeous weather we are having 2. Bryan cooked dinner two night in a row 3….

finally HAPPY again
Just a layout share….this was for a challenge on one of my MB’s with pics Bryan took of…
Grateful Friday
1. That I can’t stay mad at Bryan. 2. My business site went live…now just to finish tweaking….
A Complaint Free World.org
I am taking on the challenge, are you willing? Complaint-Free Bracelets
new site
My new site in unveiling in a day or two…YAY!!! This would be why there have been no…
the munchkin
Jacey is so funny sometimes… We didn’t really tell her about the whole time change thing. I figured,…
Grateful Friday
I’m only a day late….I’ll blame it on the webhost change. Yeah, that’s it=-) 1. the web host…
a little bit of creativity
Browsing through my scrap folder last night, I discovered that I had a few things I hadn’t shared….
What happened to our beautiful days of highs in the 70’s and low’s in the upper 40’s to…
Grateful Friday
1. an awesome opportunity Tuesday towards my photography career aspirations 2. a hubby that supports me 150% 3….
Grateful Friday
1. our *presentation* for Jacey’s special day at school was a success 2. a nice lunch *date* with…
I guess Bryan being home has turned me all mushy =-). I based this layout off of something…
T minus 1 day
Bryan comes home tomorrow…YAY!!
T minus 2 days
Looks like Bryan is going to get an earlier flight in…YAY!!! Still on Sunday but not quite so…
Grateful Friday
1. two more days till Bryan comes home 2. I got Monday off so I can spend a…
T minus 3 days
Just wanted to pop in before I headed off to bed….yes, I am going to bed at 8:30pm….
T minus 4 days
Happy Valentine’s Day to all!! Bryan actually prepared this year, before he went TDY! I was so proud…