MilSpouse Friday Fill-In #45

Join in over here at Wife of a Sailor.

1. Underwear Parties, how old is too old? (submitted by Wookie & Co. )

Apparently, I am old because I had no clue what an underwear party is, so I had to look it up. According to Urban Dictionary it is, “a party where everybody strips down to there underwear. the party goes on as a usual party ,but can turn into a sex party if the people are willing.” Umm…yeah. Is that ever appropriate?

2. What was your favorite class in high school? (submitted by Adventures of M-Squared )

Does athletics count (I was the boys varsity basketball manager)? If not, computer science. My teacher made that class a total riot!

3. Have you ever convinced packers/movers to pack something they aren’t supposed to for a PCS? (submitted by Ground Control to Major Mom )

Not that I recall. Short of the “food” items they aren’t supposed to pack, we don’t have anything off-limits.

4. Blogging plays a growing roll in the media. If you were asked to embed as a blogger with a deployed military unit, would you go? What do you think your blog would be like? (submitted by To the Nth )

While I would love to be able to truly understand what these guys (and girls) go through, I cannot imagine embedding myself in combat. I can’t even handle camping, so I’m not sure I could mentally handle the stress. Our troops go through so much being deployed.

5. Do you think kids should attend year-round school? (submitted by Marrying the Navy )

YES! We’ve always lived in super hot climates with the exception of the UK and I would love to have vacation times during the year instead of only in the hottest part of the year. I think it is a total waste of time to have kids forget things over the summer and then have the teachers have to spend a good month in review before actually diving into that years learning. We make J do “school work” over the summer, but many parents do not.


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