Sigh. Yes, I am still alive. And even running. Somewhat. It has been a rough several weeks, but…

slacker status achieved | #50MILETRAINING WEEK 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 & 8 & 9 & 10
So yeah, about that 50 mile training. Training has been going pretty good, blogging, however… I suck. And…

July 31.
July 31. 20 years. Most said we wouldn’t make it past 6 months. Oh you know, that whole…

50 Miles is a REALLY LONG way | #50miletraining week 1 & 2 & 3
Back in April, I took a HUGE leap. I’ve actually been told that it was downright insane adding…

goodbye junior year, hello craziness
You know, there is a saying, something about “the minutes are long but the years are short”. Of…

Quote This | Motivation Monday Edition
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than…

20 years. the end is drawing near.
7,305 days ago, this baby face made a commitment to his country and the United States Air Force….

quote this | Motivation Monday edition
Life is hard. Never feel bad for admitting that. But never lose focus on the fact that life…

Team Dirtbag Runners 2019
So stoked to be picked to be a Dirtbag Runners ambassador for this year! I’ve been super selective…

Team Goodr 2019
CONGRATULATIONS! We are very excited to welcome you to the 2019 goodr Flamingo RUN Flamboyance (Feel free to…

2018 Running Recap
2018 came a went in what seems like an instant. Much like 2019 is going. The old adage…

40 and some change
It’s hard to imagine, I’ve now celebrated 20 birthdays with this guy. Me, the flighty, unattached one. There…