FCR Chemotherapy Round 6
We are finally hitting the end. This last month has been an emotional rollercoaster for me and my poor family probably wants to strangle me by now. I knew from the beginning that 6 rounds was very probable, but you still hold out hope that it will be less. Especially with results like mine immediately after round 1. Cancer is a tricky little bugger, nothing ever goes as planned.
Round 6 :: Day 1 :: August 26

Don’t let that forced, fake smile fool you…I was in no mood to be there. That is until I talked to Gloria (Dr. T’s MA), Laura (Dr. T’s nurse), Dr. T and Mel (my chemo nurse). They just always know what to say to make you smile. Even when you don’t wanna. I start every round, with labs and a visit with Dr. T before heading over to the infusion room. My port was minorly difficult, as has become the norm and my labs came back great, all in the normal/low range. Dr. T was concerned about my swelling, but thinks it is linked to the steroids. If it still hangs around after those are out of my system, then she will be really concerned. Round 6 is a go and my follow up appt schedule was hashed out. Labs in a month and ct scan/labs/follow up appt in 3 months to see how my counts are holding up. Port flush appts every 6-8 weeks, since Dr. T wants me to leave the port in for a while because of my bad vein access. No objections here, I have no desired to rush into anesthesia again to get it out. Not to mention, my chest scar is finally lightening up (let’s not mention my neck scar, not a happy camper about how it looks).

Day 1 went fine, no issues except a non-cooperative pump. I got my aloxi, steroids, fludarabine, cyclophosphamide, then benadryl and rituxan. Sleepy for a bit from the benadryl and then wired all night long from the steroids.
Round 6 :: Day 2 :: August 27
You know, I’m well aware that having a port has saved my veins, but why does it have to be such a PITA? It has slowly gotten deeper and deeper to where I have to have a 1.5″ needle. Now, it is deep and crooked to the point that my left-handed chemo nurse can’t get me accessed. She tries, with all her knowledge and effort, but we have to call in my doc’s nurse. Pop, goes right in. Sigh.
Other than my port access issues, day 2 went quickly (because I sleep). I got aloxi, steroids, benadryl, fludarabine and cyclophosphamide. Went home and even made dinner, since the steroids keep me so wired.
Round 6 :: Day 3 :: August 28 :: Last Day of Chemo
Last day, finally.
See day 2 for a description, since it was an exact repeat. Even the port problems. Just add in my Neulasta shot. We brought cookies in to celebrate and I even got a certificate! :-)

Round 6 :: Weeks Post Chemo
This time around, the week post hasn’t been too bad at all. The flu like symptoms were missing, thank goodness. My back spasms, sweating and neuropathy has been worse, but those I can deal with.
By 2 weeks post, all that is left is the neuropathy in my hands and legs/feet but hopefully that will fade soon. I am just glad to be DONE.