52 Week Money Challenge
I’m sure you’ve seen this floating around the interwebs, Facebook or Twitter. I saw it last year and had every intention of starting it and then….squirrel.
This year though, it is in full force. Our savings has taken quite a hit these past few months with unexpected expenses and running is a bit lower than I’d like. This plan is super easy to add into our normal savings plan and by the end of the year, we will have $1400 more in cushion than previously forecasted. Not too shabby.
This plan could also be used as an easy way to save for vacation funds, Christmas money, etc. It can also be done in reverse, so you are saving bigger amounts when it is new and fresh your mind. Take the plan and make it your own, just SAVE.
I created a Google spreadsheet you can grab here to track the savings. Feel free to save the spreadsheet and tweak it to your likes/needs. If you are a paper person, I found a printable version from Affinity Plus Credit Union that you can use here.
Let me know in the comments if you plan to participate and if you plan to change it up or not. Perhaps your idea will turn into our plan for next year!
*I lay no claim to the 52 Week Savings Challenge creation. I simply jumped on the bandwagon and made a spreadsheet to meet my personal needs.*