Wednesday, Wednesday [state swim meet, ER trips & more]
- Some little birdie has taken it upon themselves to brighten my day, twice now. I have no clue who it is although I could at least wage a educated guess because they have to know me pretty well by the gift card choices and notes of encouragement. :-) I am not going to press, but I do want to say THANK YOU! I’m not sure if you know what these acts mean to me or not, but they are huge.
- Yesterday, I signed us up to volunteer on Thanksgiving Day for BlessFest and I can’t wait! This will be our 3rd year to volunteer on Christmas Day, but when I saw this opportunity come through, I talked it over with Bryan. We don’t have traditional turkey and dressing Thanksgivings anyway, so this is perfect for our family. I love to volunteer and bless others and so long as I am able, we will! Go Do Love!
- This past weekend, Jacey rocked the 2013 Nevada State Swimming Championships! She qualified for 5 events which made a 3 day meet for us. She made 5 personal best times and advanced to finals in 1 event, the 100 breaststroke. She was *this* close to making finals in the 50 breaststroke as 1st alternate. Overall, out of 6 races she took off 6.46 seconds. The team as a whole was amazing and I am so proud for her to be a part of such a fantastic team. Jacey (and Bryan and I) even got a pretty huge surprise when my Mom and K showed up Sunday to cheer her on. We had no clue!
- Then, after the amazing weekend came the crash. Monday afternoon, Jacey said her throat was hurting. We gave her some Advil before bed to hopefully help her get some rest. Midnight-ish, she woke up crying. We took a look and her throat was almost swollen shut. Off to the ER we went, because I was not going to make her wait till urgent care or her ped opened in the morning. The PA that saw us was less than impressive but did give into my push to prescribe her antibiotics. This is only her 2nd round in 12 years, so it isn’t the first thing I request (obviously), but I didn’t believe it was just a “sore throat” either. When we went into the ER, she was at a 9 on the pain scale. She was super bummed, because not only did she miss school yesterday (first day this year), but she also missed her orthodontist appt and swim practice where they were going to celebrate state with pizza. Here’s to praying she gets better quickly and I stay well!