this girl.
This girl…is amazing! And I am not just saying that because she is mine.
Every time I turn around, she is conquering whatever is placed before her. She started 6th grade this year and with it came a much more rigorous academic program. She was accepted into a magnet school that has an IB (International Baccalaureate) middle year program. This means she is up at 0430, leaves the house at 0525 and doesn’t come home again until 1900-1930 depending on the day (after school and swim team practice). She also took on orchestra (viola) as an elective and was recently recommended for an even more accelerated math program that if all goes as planned, means she would finish up middle school with 2 of her required high school math credits already completed (in addition to her computer and foreign language credits she gets through the program automatically).
This is all in addition to her intense swim schedule. She was moved up to the 2nd highest practice group on the team this summer (after only being on the team 2 years in August and only being the 2nd 11 year old in the group) which entails 2-3 hour practices 5-6 days a week. It is a good thing she is like the Energizer bunny. I get tired and I am only the chauffeur.
Prayers that she doesn’t burn out would be much appreciated, because as it stands her plan is to go to Texas A&M on an educational and swim scholarship for robotic engineering and make the 2020 Olympics!
As for swimming, she is doing amazing! As of her last meet last month, she now has 3 state times and 1 possible (based on last years times) JO (Junior Olympics) time. Coach thinks she will have even more if she keeps shaving off times like she has been. Her team may be small in comparison to most of the teams here in Vegas, but we have a phenomenal coaching staff and lots of super, talented kids….it truly feels like we are family, not just a number or a time.
If you are interested, here is video of her last meet (5 of her 7 events) where she earned 2 1st place ribbons and a 3rd place ribbon.
Last month, they also did underwater taping during practice (Coach Russ is a stickler for proper technique, not just speed). It was really neat to see her swim from that “vantage point” and I can’t wait to hear an update on what Coach has to say during her viewing meeting/critique this week since I’ll miss it being in Georgia.
Amazing. Dedicated. Smart. Loving. Hilarious. Beautiful. Driven. My girl.

If I remember correctly, she hasn’t been swimming for that long. Sounds like she has natural talent and is doing an outstanding job of working to better herself. Her drive and enthusiasm for new challenges is impressive. I think it’s great you’re keeping an eye out for burnout. As long as she’s the one pushing herself, I think she’ll be just fine. Thanks for the update!!
Not long at all! She’s been on a team only 2.5 years and didn’t even learn to swim till she was almost 4. She was petrified of any body of water bigger than a bathtub for years. Made living near the beach…..ummmm, interesting. :-)