Thursday Thirteen – Thirteen Things I Love About Bryan
Thirteen Things I Love About Bryan
1. His smile. It doesn’t matter what my mood is, how my day went or how ticked off I might be at him at the moment. That smile melts me and pulls me out of whatever “funk” I might be in.
2. He is a hard worker, dedicated to his job and providing for his family.
3. Random “I Love You’s”……500 million times a day!
4. He is a great Daddy.
5. He is a gentleman, opening doors, pulling out chairs and always putting me first.
6. He gives awesome foot massages.
7. He is always willing to help clean, fix dinner, help with homework, etc.
8. His hands. So strong and able, yet so gentle towards J and I.
9. When he comes up behind me and kisses me on the neck or wraps me up in a hug.
10. After almost 13 years of marriage, he still tucks me in and we still fall asleep spooning each other every night we are together.
11. He didn’t run when we heard the words “You have cancer”.
12. His butt. Enough said.
13. And mostly, because he is able to love me for me. On good days and bad.

Awwwllll. :) You two are so sweet. :)