MilSpouse Friday Fill-In #40
Join in over here at Wife of a Sailor.
1. Which was the best day of your life- Wedding day or Homecoming day? submitted by Pink Champagne, Gatorade & MREs
Hmm…this is a really hard question. Wedding day was very special. We were young, madly in love and hadn’t seen each other but 3 partial days in 3 months (for graduation from basic). We got married by a JP while he was in tech school and didn’t even get to spend the night with each other because he was less than a week away from phasing up and the MTL wouldn’t do it early. We made the best of it though and it is a day that I’ll always remember.
As for homecoming, the only “deployment” homecoming was very special too. I did not handle that separation well at all (I am bipolar and became suicidal), so his homecoming was like my prince rescuing me from that darkness.
2. Were you a part of the joining the military question or did you sign up for the relationship when your man was already in the military? submitted by Cammo Style Love
Well, a little of both. I went with him to the recruiters office once but I thought he was just still in the researching phase. Next thing I know, he tells me he is going to MEPS on his 21st birthday and leaving for basic 2 months later. Good thing I REALLY loved him and come from a very pro-military family.
3. What is your favorite Disney movie and why? submitted by Raising Roscoe
The Little Mermaid, hands down. The story, the songs, the memories.
4. What is your favorite family activity to do on the weekends? submitted by Destination: RN!
Here lately it is yard work, but I definitely wouldn’t call that a favorite :). Probably hanging out, riding bikes or going hiking.
5. Where do you secretly wish you could be stationed with you/your SO’s line of work (realistically speaking, not everyone can be stationed on NAS Fiji)? submitted by Wookie & Co.
Right now there are only 3 active duty bases (Cannon AFB, Whiteman AFB & Creech AFB) and 1 active duty instructor base (Holloman AFB) for Bry’s new job and this is one of the few times I have ever been thankful to have cancer and be “Q” coded. Las Vegas is not too shabby. Ask me again though, once the career field expands more and I may have a different answer.