still alive.
I’m still alive, I think?! :)
Since J and I got home from Texas it has been full on, non-stop, go, go ,go. Enough already! I guess the benefit is that time is flying and Bryan will be home before I know it (only to turn around and leave for another 3 months, but let’s not go there right now).
Work has been a little nuts, I walked into *only* 230 emails and 5 voicemails, along with a laundry list of upcoming events that needed to be booked. Top that with the fact that I feel like I have been out of the office half the week for doctor appointments and it makes me a little crazy. Thank goodness today is my Friday.
Monday, I ate lunch with Belinda and we both agreed that it needs to happen more often. We went weekly last year, but when school started back up and everyone got crazy, it stopped. Then I had my top secret investigation for Bryan’s TS clearance paperwork. They asked a bit more than I thought they would but at least it is over. Nothing like feeling like your life is under a microscope. That evening was a Relay For Life Team Party. I was ready for Monday to be over.
Tuesday I had a fill appointment in Pensacola. While there, I had lunch with some friends at the New Yorker Deli. I was a bit sad when lunch was over, they are such fun!
Wednesday, I had that lovely annual womanly cancer screening. I am so thankful that I <3 my PCM. She makes that annoying visit, so much more bearable. Next up will be the mammogram (oh, joy) and a referral to general surgery to get a cyst taken off my elbow. At this point, I so thankful for our insurance, because I am a medical nightmare!
Today, well today was just a Thursday. After work/school, J had baton twirling and then we headed to Destin. I wanted to look at a camera in Best Buy and treated J to Panera for dinner (she loves their chicken noodle soup). Since it was so cold out, we also made a stop at Starbucks for hot chocolate. This was the 2nd Starbucks in 3 days that was out of the signature hot chocolate (the horror) but I did learn that they have a white hot chocolate and it is fabulous. Good thing the closest one is 15 minutes away, because those yummy little cups are 330 calories a pop WITH nonfat milk. Next stop was The Fresh Market for Greek yogurt…yum. Now I am home. Bryan and I talked for a bit and I finally bit the bullet on a new p&s camera. I had been debating between the Canon S90 and the Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX3 but after getting to be all touchy feeling with the Canon in Best Buy today, it won me over. This will be my first Canon p&s but it comes with rave reviews. I <3 my Nikon dSLR (hated the Canon dSLR I had before) but their p&s’s suck. Normally I go with Sony p&s’s but I have been very unhappy with my most recent one. I am looking forward to trying this line of Canon’s. Now, J will get Bryan’s current camera and Bryan will get mine and we’ll all be happy, right :)?
Isn’t it purdy ? :)
Tomorrow is another one of those days…Saturday can’t get here soon enough so I can sleep in! After I drop J off at school, it is allergy shots, blood work and then an eye exam. I was going to go get my new glasses but I think I will wait till Bry gets home so he can voice an opinion. If that is the case though, I might, just *might* have time for a nap before J gets out of school. Hmmmm…..

I’ve found the same thing with camera. LOVE my nikon dslr, but also LOVE my canon p&s.
So not looking forward to being in your boat. Jeremy leaves next week. (I’ve done two year tours though, so two months should be nothing, right? Right?!?) Lol!