miscellaneous Monday
- Last week, I was on a cooking kick (and unfortunately the scale shows it). I used to cook all the time, but since going back to work I am usually too tired to REALLY do anything creative in the kitchen. Still not sure what got into me last week. I made low(er) fat caramel pie and cherry dark chocolate oatmeal cookies. Both were fabulous, but I was fairly good…LOL! I had one serving of each and then sent the rest to my rental husband and with Bryan to work.
- Well, the rain around here appears to have finally stopped for a bit. I am used to afternoon showers in the summer, when the sun is still shining. This though, was absolutely dreary and miserable. Today was gorgeous, I truly wished I could have moved my desk outside. It is getting chilly with a cold front coming through, but so long as it stays dry, I won’t complain :).
- Saturday, we headed to Lafayette, Louisiana to meet my mom and get Jacey back. Jacey was there for spring break and boy, it sure was quiet around here. Bryan and I would just often look at each other like we were a bit lost…LOL! The break was good though for all of us and now it is back to “real” life.
- Friday night, Bryan took me to see Fast & Furious. Yes, I am a racing, fast cars, Vin Diesel junkie. I didn’t really care for F&F 2 or 3 because there was no Vin. The movie was excellent and you could definitely tell it was a hit, the theater was PACKED.
- Has anyone played Guitar Hero Metallica yet? It came out last month and I have been eye-balling it. We were going to rent it but Blockbuster didn’t have it and we haven’t gone back. The Aerosmith version didn’t get very good reviews, so I’d like to hear reviews/play the Metallica version before dropping $50 on it.
- I am so stoked, I won one of my recent Nike+ challenges…even after taking a little over a week off for my gall bladder removal. Usually these challenges are just for bragging rights, but this one was for a Vera Bradley tote…woohoo!
- Last week, I had a kidney ct scan to follow up on my *assumed* kidney stone. I still don’t have the results back from that ct scan, but I definitely now know it was a stone…oy. When Bryan passed his back in January, it looked like a spec of pepper. I was amazed that something so small could hurt so bad. Well, mine was probably about 10-15 times the size of his…no wonder why I was writhing on the floor for 4 hours in pain.
- I have always wanted to learn how to bead, but never had the time nor knew where to begin. Well, we are required to wear our name tags at work now and I hate the clip on style. A few of the ladies that I work with have beaded lanyards that I love, so my friend Belinda helped me pick out the beads and taught me how to do it. I can deifnitely see the attraction and think that beading could very easily become a new addiction for me.
- Did anyone watch the ACM’s last night? I was so thrilled to see Carrie win Entertainer of the Year. Don’t get me wrong, I love Kenny Chesney but I just really wanted to see someone else get a chance. Did anyone else think Toby Keith looked horrible? He looked all swollen and almost like he was grimacing at every move. What about Trace’s song with the West Point Glee Club?! Absolutely outstanding!
- So, my husband is the bestest! We have been *talking* about different vehicles for a while now. While my trailblazer was only 3.5 years old, it was beginning to show wear and had several nit picky little problems that the defunct Chevy dealership here would not admit existed. I didn’t truly think we would get me a new one till closer to my 30th birthday in October though. Monday, we drove past the Ford dealership and I pointed out an Escape that I thought looked nice. What does he do, but pull in. We breezed through the lot, looking at the Escapes, Edges and Mustangs. It was pouring down rain, so we didn’t really stop but continued on to dinner. All through dinner, we were talking about the pro’s and cons, being upside down on the trailblazer and other things. He was really for getting a new one and me, the CFO was not too sure. The next two days though, I really thought hard about it and on Wednesday decided to apply for a loan. Got the preapproval and started internet shopping. Found 2 Escapes that I wanted to test drive, so we made an appointment to do it Thursday afternoon. I still had it in my head that it wasn’t going to be feasilble, blah, blah, blah. Instead, we both fell in love with it and Bryan said do it. So, I am now the proud owner of a 2009 Ford Escape XLT. It has the one thing I have ALWAYS wanted on a vehicle, a moonroof and many other things I never knew I wanted…LOL! I always said I wasn’t going to take the new car hit again, but the deal they cut us just couldn’t be passed up. And who would have thunk it, my insurance on the new SUV is less than the insurance on my old SUV?!

Yay for a new car and lower insurance!