Grateful Friday
Posting from the hospital, please excuse any spelling/grammar mistakes as I am still really groggy.
1. The surgery went well and my pain is not as bad as I expected.
2. The hospital actually has wifi after me being told it didn’t.
3. A week off from work.
4. Paula and Randa were able to spend a few days with us this week…I don’t get to see her nearly enough.
5. Prayer

Hooray for hospital WiFi and that your surgery went great! Take it easy!
Take it easy!! Wish I was closer to help you out!!
Glad to hear things went OK! Leave it to you to have a hospital with WiFi! LOL!
Get some much needed rest!
Thank you for sharing your experience with us! I have been praying for you girl and so glad that the surgery went well! I know what it is like to face this kind of turn in the road and to experience it while still here on earth will be the best blessing yet!
I pray for your recovery and your road that you are know going on. Just know that God leads the way, all you have to do is follow!
I am so glad to hear it went well!
Glad to hear that the surgery went well. Get some rest!
How are you doing?????? Just thinking of you!!