total neglect
I have been totally neglecting my poor pitiful blog here lately. Life has been crazy! Who knew Christmas time for a church was so busy….LOL! I just always thought the services were beautiful but never really gave much thought to the preparation behind the scenes. Now I have no choice =-). Only one more day though (of work) and then we get to see the results of our efforts. We have 7 services Sunday and are expecting 3000 people…1000 above our normal attendance. Awesome!! Bryan even got me a new dress for the Christmas Eve Candlelight service (we are doing the Advent reading/lighting up on stage at the 4:30pm service) and it rawks. I must not be the only one that thinks that either, since it is now sold out in all sizes except one!
It came from Old Navy and I even got to get a size smaller that norm…woohoo! I have lost about 25 pounds and a whole dress size since I went back to work! I even had to buy new bras recently because my old ones were too big…LOL!
So, is everyone ready for Christmas? I’ve been pretty much done for a while now…everything is wrapped and I am only waiting on one more stocking stuffer for Bryan to get here. UPS is scheduled to deliver it tomorrow and then I will be officially done. Bryan still says he isn’t done for me but he doesn’t know what to get me…MEN! I’d go shopping for an hour and could come home with tons of stuff and yet he has been 2 days in a row and still isn’t done…LOL!
Anyway, I am out for tonight…I work in the morning and I’m TIRED! I’ll try to be better about posting (if I still even have any readers left).

I still read! Even if you have been a bad blogger and not been updating. :-P
And sure you can share my link, I don’t mind. :-)
I still read, Lacey! The dress is beautiful! Congrats on the weight loss too, that is great!