January 18 :: Midnight snack courtesy of Retro Bakery.

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January 17 :: Afternoon pick me up. Drink of choice? Route 44 diet cherry limeade.

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January 16 :: Daily essentials.

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January 15 :: Much needed therapy today after my doctors appointment.

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January 14 :: Dark day, worried about what tomorrow’s doctors appointment will bring.

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Just another day of adventure. Life is never boring.

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These two complete me.

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New toothbrush day makes me happy! Brush-a Brush-a Brush-a Get the new Ipana With the brand new flavor…

project 365 :: year 34 day 74
Do not let this sweet, beautiful face fool you. She is a firecracker just like me (I can’t…

project 365 :: year 34 day 73
My family will be happy to see these. I’ve been slacking lately.

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Interview with the vampire.

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I love that we have both similar interests and different interests. Similar views and different views. Keeps life…

project 365 :: year 34 day 70
This place used to be my therapy. This time around, it is my nemesis.

project 365 :: year 34 day 69
The last two days, my nerves have just been shot for no obvious reason. I need to just…

project 365 :: year 34 day 68
Gosh, I love this show…even if it makes me miss living in the UK dreadfully. (And I cheated,…

project 365 :: year 34 day 67
Coolest Mom ever!

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Some days, you just have to do whatever it takes to function.

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New Bible plan for a new year.

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This guy. Always keeps me on my toes.

project 365 :: year 34 day 63
While I have and always been a water baby, the mountains now hold a special spot in my…