July 31. 20 years. Most said we wouldn’t make it past 6 months. Oh you know, that whole…

18 down, 2 to go
“A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself” -Joseph Campbell…

Thursday Thirteen | Thirteen Things I Am Looking Forward To In 2017
Thirteen Things I Am Looking Forward To In 2017 1. Heading back to college. 2. Jacey taking driver’s…

16 years of mandatory fun
16 years, 2 AFSC’s, 4 PCS’s, 1 deployment, too many TDY’s to count and more gray hairs than…

15 years of dedication to country.
Today, Bryan achieved 15 years in the United States Air Force. It has been a tough, challenging, exciting, rewarding and…

8th blogiversary
Today is my 8th blogiversary! Who would have ever thought I could keep this thing going that long?…

14 years.
14 years, 1 Air Force career, 2 jobs, 3 promotions, 4 countries, 16 states, 1 deployment, 9 million…

quote this (anniversary edition).
13 years ago today, I said yes and fall more in love every day.

9 years ago…
…today I married my best friend, the one I laugh with, the one I cry with and the…