I decided that perhaps, since I start my second round of chemo very soonly that it might be time…

project 365 :: year 34 day 188
May 4 :: Two long but successful meet days and I am toast.

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May 3 :: I spend more time at one of several competition pools in this city than I…

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May 2 :: I finally broke down and bought a door shelf for the pantry. This house has…

project 365 :: year 34 day 185
May 1 :: New specs. I love them, Bryan likes them and Jacey is on the fence.

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April 30 :: I came. I conquered. The tree looks presentable again.

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April 29 :: I have spent the last 7 days here. Over. It. Chemo side effects suck.

15 years of dedication to country.
Today, Bryan achieved 15 years in the United States Air Force. It has been a tough, challenging, exciting, rewarding and…

project 365 :: year 34 day 182
April 28 :: This is how I feel about having to be hooked up for hydration. Again. 3rd…

why thanks Tricare…
Let me preface this by saying, I am very thankful for our insurance. While it might be a…

project 365 :: year 34 day 181
April 27 :: 9 o’clock at night and my <3 heads out to get me food, since it…

project 365 :: year 34 day 180
April 26 :: My new “nag…encouragement”. Just as soon as I can actually leave the house and use…

project 365 :: year 34 day 179
April 25 :: ONLY perk of a useless ER trip is getting to see my fav chemo nurse…

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April 24 :: 7 hour ER trips that are completely filled with utter nonsense are such fun. Not.

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April 23 :: Do you see that? For the first time in 8 years (6 officially), I have…

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April 22 :: Routine. Mundane. Important. Apparently my eyes are getting better?! Perk of chemo?!

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April 21 :: Right here is where I feel safe. Right here is where I belong. When life…

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April 20 :: Thousands of voices worshipping together on Resurrection Sunday. What a wonderful sound!

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April 19 :: BBQ and a strawberry crush on a Saturday afternoon. Almost felt like home…for a moment. #texasgirl

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April 18 :: Being normal is overrated.