quote this.
This is something I really REALLY need to learn…LOL!

4 year cancerversary
Today is February 11, 2012. Four years ago, on February 11, 2008, I heard a doctor say, “It’s…

Grateful Friday
1. 1 week of this TDY down, only what seems like a bazillion more to go. 2. New…

Grateful Friday
1. We managed to actually have Bryan home for 18 months before had the TDY again. 2. My…

Oscar has been evicted (surgery update)
Wednesday the 25th , I had semi-emergency surgery. Semi, because we knew it would happen eventually, we just…

Grateful Friday
1. Surgery went well and so far recovery is too. 2. Friends that offer help, bring meals, etc…

Grateful Friday
1. Menu is made, groceries are bought and I don’t have to go back until after Bryan leaves…

Grateful Friday
1. We found a pet door we think will work for Zoey and our ginormous sliding patio door….

My daughter is a character, through and through. So full of personality and life. Unfortunately, with that also…