New toothbrush day makes me happy! Brush-a Brush-a Brush-a Get the new Ipana With the brand new flavor…

project 365 :: year 34 day 74
Do not let this sweet, beautiful face fool you. She is a firecracker just like me (I can’t…

project 365 :: year 34 day 73
My family will be happy to see these. I’ve been slacking lately.

project 365 :: year 34 day 72
Interview with the vampire.

project 365 :: year 34 day 71
I love that we have both similar interests and different interests. Similar views and different views. Keeps life…

project 365 :: year 34 day 70
This place used to be my therapy. This time around, it is my nemesis.

52 Week Money Challenge
I’m sure you’ve seen this floating around the interwebs, Facebook or Twitter. I saw it last year and…

project 365 :: year 34 day 69
The last two days, my nerves have just been shot for no obvious reason. I need to just…

project 365 :: year 34 day 68
Gosh, I love this show…even if it makes me miss living in the UK dreadfully. (And I cheated,…

Thank You | Operation Homefront Holiday Meals for Military 2013
Military life is hard, there is no arguing that. There are some bases better than others and community…

project 365 :: year 34 day 67
Coolest Mom ever!

project 365 :: year 34 day 66
Some days, you just have to do whatever it takes to function.

project 365 :: year 34 day 65
New Bible plan for a new year.

Protected: Goodbye 2013, Hello 2014!
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

project 365 :: year 34 day 64
This guy. Always keeps me on my toes.

project 365 :: year 34 day 63
While I have and always been a water baby, the mountains now hold a special spot in my…

project 365 :: year 34 day 62
Date night!

project 365 :: year 34 day 61
I make one run down the mountain on the sled and this is what I come back to….

Year in Review —> 2013
Family & Friends, As we say goodbye to 2013 and ring in 2014, I pray this finds you…

project 365 :: year 34 day 60
Testing out my Christmas present. My old HRM died a few months ago after 5 years of faithful…