lucky 13? & {almost} famous | part II & III | real life of cancer
I was 28 when I was diagnosed with CLL (chronic lymphocytic leukemia) 13 years ago today. Even though I have been living with cancer for almost a third of my life now, today still makes me sit back and think about life.
What would life have looked like had I NOT been given that diagnosis?
What life would be like without the plethora of doctors visits, needle sticks, medications taken, and gray hair acquired?
Probably pretty boring. TBH.
When you hear those three words, you have cancer; you are faced with two options.
Go big.
Or go home.
I chose to go big.
To LIVE life. To run. To travel. To adventure. To hug my family and friends. To make plans. To have dreams for the future. To share my story.
That’s not to say there haven’t been bad days or pity party days, we are all human, but I’m a firecracker and stubborn as hell. Cancer was never going to win, and on those bad days, my faith in God pulls me through.
Back when I was diagnosed, I didn’t know what God’s plan in this was. I still don’t fully understand, but I know that he wants me to use my story. And who am I to argue with God.
2019 and 2020 brought me 3 unique opportunities to share my story (yes, I am that far behind because, well, I am out living life). One I have previously written about here on the blog. That was such a fun experience!
The Patient Story also contacted me to share my story. You can read it here.
And then the biggest one.
I’m on the cover of a magazine!
Like a real, honest to goodness print magazine distributed to medical offices nationwide.
Do I get to start charging for autographs now?
Getting to share my story on a wider level has been such an amazing experience! There are a few little details that didn’t get relayed from the phone interview to print correctly but overall, Amy did a fantastic job with the article. It was also an intimidating yet empowering experience being on the other side of the lens for the photoshoot with Adam.
Would it be vain to frame it for my wall?
If you would like to read the entire magazine, click here.
Here’s to year 13 and many more chances to GO BIG!

This is my cousin and I’m so very proud of her. She has never shown weaknesses!!!
So proud of you.