goodbye junior year, hello craziness
You know, there is a saying, something about “the minutes are long but the years are short”. Of course, I could be getting it completely wrong and if so, let’s just deem it another of my Lacey-isms.
But, it is true. It feels like just yesterday, I was watching her pick daisies on the t-ball field and nowadays I barely see her. It makes me sad and happy all at the same time. I am so utterly proud of the young woman she is becoming.
Back in August, this girl started her junior year of high school. She took on a challenging year with 8 classes (3 AP/DC classes, 1 AP, 1 Pre-AP, sports med, training (athletics), and 1 “correspondence” course to make up a class required for Texas graduation). In addition to her studies, she was a student trainer for football and boy’s basketball, as well as vice-president of HOSA (Future Health Professionals), and a member of NHS (National Honor Society) and SHH (Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica).
As if she wasn’t busy enough with all that, she also has a boyfriend (who we approve of, hallelujah) and was so tired of being “broke” that as soon as basketball season was over, she went job hunting and landed not only 1 but 2 jobs. She started as a ticket agent for the San Antonio Missions Baseball Team back in March and then added on being a lifeguard at JBSA Lackland in May.
This spring, the college hunt began. We went on 3 college visits to Texas A&M University, Abilene Christian University, and Rice University. As of now, she plans to apply early acceptance to Rice this fall and go from there. Originally, she planned to major in biology but is now leaning towards kinesiology as her undergrad before applying to med school. She took her SAT this spring and takes her ACT in a few days.
Are you tired yet? I am.
It’s been a long year, but she persevered and as of today…
this girl is a SENIOR! Class of 2020, here she comes!

So beautiful and so accomplished. Super proud of her!!