hard decisions

Sometimes life stinks, it is as simple as that. But another thing about life, is that it goes on. With or without us. We can choose to fight it or roll with the punches, but either way it won’t stop for us.

I recently had to make some hard decisions. Decisions, that I was not happy about and still am not at complete peace with, but what can you do? Two months ago, I had to make the decision to shut the portrait side of my photography business down.

Yes, already.

Going into reopening my business, I had no clue the effect it was going to have on my body. I could not figure out how to be both a portrait photographer and a wife/mommy at the same time. I could either be there for my clients or I could be there for my family. The physical stresses of the sessions and the long hours sitting at my computer editing took their toll and intensified my bone pain. The pain resulted in me taking a muscle relaxer and being down for HOURS. You might as well kiss that day goodbye. And possibly the next.

Not cool.

That just does not work, having an active tween and a husband that although he does everything in his power to pick up the slack, has a kooky schedule.


These people, these crazy people are the ones that come first and always will.

Hard decisions come with the territory of being a wife, mother and cancer patient sometimes. Some are just harder than others.

If you would like to read my official announcement, head over here.

5 Responses

  1. <3 you and your heart and openness! How lucky they are to have you! The portrait business will miss you for sure, but what a gift you've given in having priorities where they should be and reminding us all that life is important to be in the here and now.

  2. It’s hard to put a dream back on the shelf, but the decision is rewarded every single time we find ourselves with more time and energy to devote to our first priorities. Just like most things, remember, it’s just a season. Enjoy it while it’s here, and we’ll see what the next one brings <3

  3. I’m sorry you’re having a rough time. I’m sure you made the right decision. Take care of yourself. :)


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