1. Bryan’s new laptop is finally ordered , so he can stop pestering me about it. 2. New…
I rarely follow through with these, but I can’t let Meghann down :-) 6 Things The theme topic…
we’re back
We flew in earlier today, I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day! I will update more later,…
#57 is complete (101 in 1001)
57. Go horseback riding. See, evidence….LOL!
Grateful Friday
1. My new clothes came in the mail today. 2. Jacey gets to go to Tallahassee tomorrow with…
a bit of hybrid
Now that everyone *should* have gotten these, I can now share. I made these thank you gifts for…
scrapping bug
Well, I have been itching to scrap for a few days but just never seem to have the…

IQ & Gifted Testing
We got a letter, last week from the school saying that Jacey was being recommended for gifted testing….
video – 5.4.08 – Jacey’s Bible Heroes Musical
Jacey was picked to sing in one or 2 trios on the song “Battle of Jericho”. She is…
video – 5.4.08 – Jacey’s choir singing “Arky, Arky”
…is so not on my good side right now. I ordered some things from Amazon on Sunday and…
Relay for Life – recap
So, I am only a few weeks late…. *sigh* There just aren’t enough hours in the day or…
video – 4.26.08 – Bryan in RFL Fear Factor
This event was after the capers and swamp water and kitty litter. I would have puked after the…
video – 4.25.08 – Jacey’s field day
Jacey at her recent school field day. [youtube:http://youtube.com/watch?v=wSdjwRpc600]
Jacey’s Book
I am so behind, I have had a note to share this for about 3 weeks now. On…
long week
It has been a LLLOOONNNGGGGG week, hence my lack of posting. I promise to do a good update…
Grateful Friday
1. My bosses agreed to let me start working more at home and only going into the office…

NSD goodies
Well, today is National Scrapbooking Day aka *huge* sale day. While I haven’t been buying much in the…
Grateful Friday
1. After calling 11 stores, I finally located ink jet printable shrinky dinks! 2. An awesome lunch with…

flickr fun
I stumbled across this somewhere and thought it looked like a lot of fun. If you do it…