March 27 :: Spent an afternoon among the pretties, searching out a few new ones for the yard….

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March 26 :: My future. I’ve known for 6 years this was coming, but today, it became REAL….

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March 25 :: Like mother like daughter. We are not morning people and have a very hard time…

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March 24 :: After a 2 hour wild goose chase at the base hospital, I walk out and…

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March 23 :: My new favorite glass. J calls it redneck chic.

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March 22 :: Late night shenanigans before Daddy headed to work. Milkshakes and I Love Lucy.

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March 21 :: I am miserable in the heat already. This does not bode well for a Vegas…

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March 20 :: It’s just been an ice cream needed kind of week.

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March 19 :: It’s time. Time to kick cancers @ss and regain my life! I’d be lying if I said…

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March 18 :: I’ll always be a little girl in her heart and that’s okay.

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March 17 :: Yeah, she’s a keeper. :-) I only wish we got to spend more time together!

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March 16 :: Blogging used to be fun, not lately. I need to get back in my groove.

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March 15 :: Real life is messy. I usually make sure the pictures are at just the right…

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March 14 :: One person decided to show love and in turn, others did as well. This photography…

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March 13 :: Hoping that starting to document the journey, will help me cope with the roller coaster…

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March 12 :: Trying new things. This does get easier…right?!

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March 11 :: After only 4 hours of sleep last night and 3 hours up at the Nellis…

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March 10 :: I have a slight love/hate relationship with calendar apps on my phone, but this one…I…

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March 9 :: And, we are done. Jacey’s last short course meet in the 11-12 age group. 33…

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March 8 :: I <3 this show. So wrong on so many levels, but totally hilarious!