I try to make a new recipe at least every couple of weeks when Bryan is home. Yes,…
Grateful Friday
1. Bryan is on leave through the 5th! 2. One file drawer is purged and the other will…
Relay For Life 2010
*This is going to stay up at the top of my blog until after Relay, please scroll down…
Grateful Friday (on a Saturday:-)
1. Bryan made it home safe and sound. 2. Laundry is done and the house is clean (or…
new specs
I have worn glasses/contacts for oh, gracious, 15 years now (wow, I feel really old). We “discovered” the…
and the winner is…
Just in case you were wondering :). So far I am really liking the case (and the…
Grateful Friday
1. Bills are paid, money is in savings, glasses are bought. Now just to wait on my final…
soupy goodness
Well, thanks to Amy I now think I have a new favorite soup. That is saying a LOT…
Grateful Friday
1. 14 more days till Bryan comes home. 2. One more allergy shot and I will FINALLY be…
tuesday. errr monday.
For Amy, by request. No hating, it has been a long day, I look like crap and apparently…