Grateful Friday

1. I had a wonderful birthday.

2. My p365 is OVER and complete!

3. Bryan’s retraining package was approved. While I am going to miss everything we are leaving behind here, I am excited about the change and think this is the best move career-wise that Bryan can make.

4. Leftover birthday cake for breakfast.

5. Christmas shopping for the grandparents is done.

One Response

  1. Happy belated birthday Lacey!! I hope it was the best one yet! Turning 30 wasn’t a huge deal for me either just wait until you hit 41. I had the hardest time this year for some stupid reason! Ha.

    You look amazing! I must admit I have fallen off the band wagon again with eating and exercising. I have been seeking the Lord with this and plan on getting back up on the horse on the 1st. My goal is 30 days of exercising for November, even if I only do it 4 days a week. It is all about consistency right now, which isn’t there. Please pray for me.

    Where will you guys go now that Brian is retraining? Are you excited?


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